


  • MacTexas

    MacTexas 8 years, 1 month ago

    If you sign the petition what you are saying is the all powerful Federal government in Washington DC knows more about how to manage the land than the local people in the state. Thanks but no thanks.


    • pduffie

      pduffie 8 years, 1 month ago


      I think your comment is uninformed and short sighted. Most of the public lands are in sparsely populated states that do not have the funding or infrastructure to run these parks. The land belongs to all Americans and I for one do not trust state governments to no sell these lands to private interests. The National Parks service is not a problem.


    • skilletboy

      skilletboy 8 years, 1 month ago

      I live in Ca. So for me, yes that is true.

      And what I am FOR, is not selling public lands AT ALL. Across the board what we've seen, and what was highlighted in the article, is that most often the transfer of Fed lands to state control is about selling that land over to China or M. Eastern nations. Thanks but no thanks.
