

Regardless of how you feel about the Immigration E.O. recently issued, this article is so well thought out and articulated I had to share it. It's so rational and well balanced that I was frankly shocked I would it on the inter-webs.


  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 8 years, 1 month ago

    Boil it all down to one question.

    Does the United States government have the right to protect its citizens by scrutinizing those who want to enter its borders?

    If the answer is no, then open the borders and let the chips fall where they may.

    If the answer is yes, (and it is, it's a question of sovereignty), then the government has the right and obligation to limit by whatever means they determine who gets in.



    • Chet_Manly

      Chet_Manly 8 years, 1 month ago

      Sovereignty, exactly.
      I think the bush/obama immigration policies have been in place so long that younger people don't have a firm understanding of this concept.


    • BenEspen
    • skilletboy

      skilletboy 8 years, 1 month ago

      And that's the rub. Some of the people protesting this are waiving "no borders" signs. Apparently they think there shouldn't be any borders or borders protection at all. Even Conan O'Brian is doing a special in Mexico calling "Conan without borders"...

      I just find one thing strange. Where was all this argument and outrage when Obama and Clinton enacted essentially this SAME POLICY in 2011? The reason why Trump has set aside these 7 countries is because.... wait for ... IT'S THE SAME 7 COUNTRIES IN THE 2011 PROGRAM!

      Even the crybaby Chuck Schumer seems to forget that he tweeted this in 2015!! :

      Chuck Schumer ✔ @SenSchumer
      We must tighten loopholes in the Visa Waiver prgm, ensure passports can’t be faked & stop terrorists who want to exploit the system.
      10:26 AM - 19 Nov 2015
      5,265 5,265 Retweets 4,396 4,396 likes">

      I'm growing so damn tired of the lefts blatant hypocrisy and insanity.


      • pduffie

        pduffie 8 years, 1 month ago

        To be fair, this is not the same policy as in 2011. While yes the American government should protect our borders and scrutinize those who are coming into this country, this Executive Order was far too broad and overreaching. It was hastily done and poorly thought out. Trump allowed the media and left to control the message. He allowed this to be painted as a religious issue instead of security.


        • Chet_Manly

          Chet_Manly 8 years, 1 month ago

          So I'm not going here to argue a point, just seeking clarity. I'm curious if you would expand on how you see this E.O. as "too broad and over reaching". Were this statement made in the media I'd tune out because there is a credibility issue there in most media circles, but I'm genuinely interested in your take on it and I your other points make sense to me. Just would like clarity is all.


          • Cobrapilot
          • pduffie

            pduffie 8 years, 1 month ago


            This order effected people currently here on visas and wrongly targeted law abiding immigrants. For instance a kid who attend Katy High School here in Houston, Texas was detained at the airport after he had gone home to renew his visa. This order targeted legal green hard hold immigrants from re-entry. Both Trump and NSA head had to make a few statements and reversals after the order which is exactly my point. It was hastily done and poorly thought our.


          • pduffie

            pduffie 8 years, 1 month ago

            Also, this order was executed based on no credible threat to the country. Obama's 2011 order was a 6 month freeze on Iraqi immigrants after it was discovered that a few potential terrorists were let into the country. it was specific to one country and due to a credible threat. Nothing to do with religion. And while trump's likely wasnt religious based, it came off that way.


        • skilletboy

          skilletboy 8 years, 1 month ago

          Well, while I never claimed it was exactly the same policy, you are correct to say it is not. It's an expansion of the policy.

          The framework of this EO is from the 2011 policy because ISIS operates in those three countries and were primarily from the other four.

          But the problem I have is that there is no logical connection whatsoever with this EO and the claim that it is a "Muslim ban", when not only was it simply an extension and expanding of the 2011 program, but it does't currently include the majority of Muslim majority nations in the region. Like, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

          So while I'd give you that the rollout was sloppy, at best a few people got inconvenienced.

          But the narrative that is was a "religious based" ban is nothing but pure liberal nonsense and hypocrisy.
