

Its a sausage wrapped in a slice of white bread. And our Antipodean brothers and sisters are starting a (likely tongue in cheek) push to call this an Aussie Taco. The real piece-de-resistance of Aussie cuisine though is the meat pie, and none better than Harry's Cafe de Wheels where a 'tiger' is a thing to behold. Where are there not more meat pies in the USA?

Added in food


  • brian

    brian 8 years, 2 months ago

    When I was living in Australia I was a huge fan of a simple Aussie meat pie and tomato sauce. Probably the food I miss the most from there. I've never tried Harry's. I'll have to go there the next time I am in Sydney.


  • skilletboy

    skilletboy 8 years, 2 months ago

    looks delicious.

    while in China i ate at a fast food chain called Dico's. It was explained to me that it's Australian.

    I said tongue in cheek, "Dico's, it's Australian for McDonald's!"
