Cut Your Man Bun Off, Get Free Booze
Posted by Razorback from
daemon, Titanheart, glen and 5 others like this
A tip o' the hat to this fine establishment.
daemon, Titanheart, glen and 5 others like this
A tip o' the hat to this fine establishment.
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daemon 8 years, 2 months ago
I have a very handsome friend who is magnificently bearded and has a beautiful family. On one of their latest photo shoots (cause they are the type of family that has photo shoots) one of those hair things sprouted on his head in just one singular photo.
I haven't taken the time to publically shame him, as I know it was a female's doing, but he still should never have let that moment of weakness be recorded for all mankind to see.
For shame!
elancaster65 8 years, 2 months ago
I may or may not have a picture of myself with acid wash jeans circa 1993. May or may not.
We all have our little weaknesses...
Bradleyd16 8 years, 2 months ago
Now that is a worthy establishment saving manhood one lost man soul at a time. Strong work!