Nickolas, tonyohh, skilletboy and 8 others like this
Knowing the Poke is a satirical site, I was initially dubious on this post. But seems legit. And eloquent. What disturbs me is the one response to the review claiming that someone bought one of these for work so his colleagues could enjoy the 'benefits'. Seems like waaaay too much sharing
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elancaster65 8 years, 1 month ago
As a Squatty Potty owner and frequent user, I concur.
trigjoh 8 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for standing up (or squatting down) and being counted. It's one of those things that I've read about & understand the principle but wondered if a plastic stool can actually, erm, deliver. Or was it just another hokum 'as (not) seen on tv' item. Cheers elancaster65
elancaster65 8 years, 1 month ago
A co-worker has one. His comment is, "clean ups a breeze now!" I travel a lot and am looking at getting the portable one for "on the go"...
(Get it??)
trigjoh 8 years, 1 month ago
Nickolas 8 years, 1 month ago
You really need this:">
trigjoh 8 years, 1 month ago
i wonder if they did ever run out before Xmas?
Nickolas 8 years, 1 month ago
I am sure it only takes about 15 Minutes for Billy Bob to crank one out. A friend of mine received one as a gift for Christmas. Not sure if he has tested it out yet.
badmambajamba5323 8 years, 1 month ago
Actually, it's Uncle Booger. I would've honestly preferred to sit on a Bumper Dumper made by a Billy Bob rather than an Uncle Booger. Uncle Booger somehow just seems creepier...
Nickolas 8 years, 1 month ago
Sorry but China is 95% squatty potty. As in hole in the ground. No matter how I tried, for the two weeks I was there I could not let loose my payload. It was a painful two weeks. I felt bloated.
skilletboy 8 years, 1 month ago
I had the same experience in my travels to China as well. For one I never could quite squat that low and angle my pants so they weren't right beneath the "drop-zone". I just had to make sure I could find a western toilet or I went in the hotels anytime we left and immediately upon return.
So, I'm a oafy white dude my wife is a short Asian woman. We've discussed how I think there is a genetic trait thing happening here, like those who can roll their tongue and those that can't. I have found that most Asian people are able to squat with their weight fully on their heels and their butts hang behind their feet. Most white people squat like when lifting, with the weight either on the middle of the foot or on the balls of the feet.
It's really a drastic difference. And for the Chinese it's so easy for them to squat this way they often refer to western toilets as "old man" toilets because they can only imagine you'd need one if you're infirmed.">
skilletboy 8 years, 1 month ago
This is also why you'll see these signs in western countries that have a lot of asian visitors.">