The thirteen minute lead in and drama queen antics spoiled this for me. When there are native boys as young as 12 years old wear bullet ant gloves 20 times for 10 minutes each, while performing a ritual dance as a rite of passage, I have to wonder about this man's reaction and antics.
Sure. I believe it hurts, but this over the top theatrical performance was made just for television. He just comes across as an idiot. Props to him for experimenting with nature though. "Bullets of sweat! Bullets of sweat for the bullet ants!"
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daemon 8 years, 2 months ago
The thirteen minute lead in and drama queen antics spoiled this for me. When there are native boys as young as 12 years old wear bullet ant gloves 20 times for 10 minutes each, while performing a ritual dance as a rite of passage, I have to wonder about this man's reaction and antics.
Sure. I believe it hurts, but this over the top theatrical performance was made just for television. He just comes across as an idiot. Props to him for experimenting with nature though. "Bullets of sweat! Bullets of sweat for the bullet ants!"
What a weird way of making a living.
daemon 8 years, 2 months ago
The ritual I referred to:">
glen 8 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, I agree. That guy is pretty over the top. Do I think it hurt? ABSOLUTELY. But geez man. A little self-respect goes a long way.