"the name of this product may sound like its made by some crazy prankers and crackheads but actually it's not. the quality of this soap is just to great that it removes all the remnants and scent coming from your privates. very handy!"
"I often touch my genitals without realizing it! I can't tell you how many times perfect strangers have shouted "Hey Lady! Get your hands out of there!" If you too are an unconscious groin manipulator, this is the product for you! It won't prevent accidental genital explorations but boy will you be relieved to know that just in case--- you're hands clean! One warning-- you need to rinse with water after you use this. It burns if you don't."
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Razorback 8 years, 3 months ago
Be sure to read the reviews. Some of them are quite funny.
lhriv 8 years, 3 months ago
"the name of this product may sound like its made by some crazy prankers and crackheads but actually it's not. the quality of this soap is just to great that it removes all the remnants and scent coming from your privates. very handy!"
Razorback 8 years, 3 months ago
"I often touch my genitals without realizing it! I can't tell you how many times perfect strangers have shouted "Hey Lady! Get your hands out of there!" If you too are an unconscious groin manipulator, this is the product for you! It won't prevent accidental genital explorations but boy will you be relieved to know that just in case--- you're hands clean! One warning-- you need to rinse with water after you use this. It burns if you don't."
Chet_Manly 8 years, 3 months ago
Perfect for that school teacher in your life.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 3 months ago
Follow up. After I enjoyed multiple pages of reviews on this product, another product has been popping up as an ad at other websites. It seems to be equally interesting, but lacks a little subtly.
lhriv 8 years, 3 months ago
Another good one! I also like the "I just shit in the woods" hand sanitizer.