

“We’re seeing the ramifications of the increase in obesity,” said Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “And we’re seeing that in an increase in heart disease.”


  • jordan

    jordan 8 years, 1 month ago

    A.) I've been reading up on the opiod epidemic lately. Pretty crazy stuff and I hope it starts getting more publicity.
    B.) The eventually mortality rate is 100%. Is there a significant difference in living 2.4 months longer? For some people, yes, for others, no.
    C.) I have a theory that the human genome is flawed on purpose (evolution or design, whatever floats your boat) to balance out overpopulation. The human life span is long enough to procreate, contribute to society and train the next generation. As much as science tries to increase the average age of death, in my theory, human genes won't "let" the body get past a certain age since it eventually works against the human species itself from a total survival-of-the-species perspective. If it's not heart disease and cancer, it will be something else.
