5 Cocktails to Fight the Flu
Posted by brian from www.pastemagazine.com
elancaster65, Matthew, BenEspen and 4 others like this
Interesting list, I've never heard of most of these.
elancaster65, Matthew, BenEspen and 4 others like this
Interesting list, I've never heard of most of these.
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elancaster65 8 years, 3 months ago
So basically, mix a bunch of alcohol together, put in some honey and other natural cold-fighting, uh, natural stuff and let the alcohol kill everything but let the honey make it sweet.
Sure, I'm down for that! Make my own sore throat "medicine". Warm water, scotch or bourbon, two spoonfuls of honey, sip and enjoy.
Has worked for both my wife and I. My daughter, who hates the taste of alcohol (a blessing in disguise) won't drink it!
domestique34 8 years, 3 months ago
I hope I start to feel sick REAL soon...