A Real Man Always Has Cash
Posted by daemon from www.primermagazine.com
MarkBlemish, Chet_Manly, elancaster65 and 3 others like this
I think a more accurate title would have been "A Prepared Man Always Has Cash".
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MarkBlemish 8 years, 2 months ago
Yes, prepared man or woman. I still remember a few of my first bigger (for me at the time) electronic purchases where I paid cash and the clerk, an old Armenian man named Berg made a big deal about my cash money. Yep, back in the days of VCRs, belt driven VCRs.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 2 months ago
I like how you quantified time. I still have and use my TV/VCR player. It has outlasted two DVD players.
daemon 8 years, 2 months ago
VCR Club member and user checking in as well.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 2 months ago
Your quality only continues to increase.
ahnyerkeester 8 years, 2 months ago
Swell. Great. Fine. I'm not a real man.
elancaster65 8 years, 2 months ago
My Dad always carried around a $100 bill in his wallet. It had been there for years when he'd forgotten his checkbook and credit cards whilst we were out buying something. It was creased so sharp you could cut yourself with it. He said he always carried it "just in case". That day, on our way home, he stopped at the bank and got another crisp, new $100 bill, folded it and put it in his wallet. Since then I've usually kept a $20 (I wasn't the richest guy and $100 was a lot of money!). Since 2009, I got a $100 bill as a gift. It immediately went into my wallet. I've never had to use it but it is a comfort to know that I have at least a $100 on me wherever I go.
daemon 8 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for sharing that story. I got my cash carrying ways from my Dad as well. It is an incredibly useful tool that cares not for the whims of technology.
Razorback 8 years, 2 months ago
I always carry between $40-80 in my wallet. No specific reason, just that I have always preferred to have cash on me. I have to fold it up tight because I use the tiny Saddleback front pocket wallet. The bad part is that, when I need to remove the cash, the wallet makes it appear as if I am carrying an old change bag like grandpa had.
Because of the limited room in my wallet, I have a tendency to drop all of my singles into the change bucket at the house. My wife and I traveled this Thanksgiving and unbeknownst to me, she went into the change bucket and grabbed a stash of $1 bills. We were checking out somewhere and only needed a few bucks. She said, "Wait, I have some cash," and proceeded to count out all of these ones at the counter. Since she only had about $10 total, I replied, "Tough night on the pole, eh?" The clerk and I both thought it was funny. My wife...not so much.
emtay 8 years, 2 months ago
I'm the same as most here. Just a 20 in the wallet at all times and a hundred or so in the pocket to make it thru the week.
At home I have a two step process for petty cash. A mug alongside where my edc items sit for the evening collects the spare change and $1 bills. When I get to $30 in bills I put $20 in a "Disney" jar that we have set aside for a trip for the kids. The extra $10-29 always on hand comes in especially handy for the pop-up field trip forms, chocolate bars or anything other school items the kids may need from time to time.