The solution to the problem is easy. Eagles are a protected species except when they are killed by a wind turbine. It is politically acceptable to kill an eagle if you are producing electricity. Just put up a couple of wind turbines on the property and you will be picking up eagle viscera instead of chicken.
I always wondered about farms like these. We have free range chickens. One night at dinner my wife and five year old son watched an osprey swoop down and snap the neck of our favorite chicken. Sad but thats nature.
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trigjoh 8 years, 2 months ago
Where the trees rain viscera. Great read, fascinating
MacTexas 8 years, 2 months ago
The solution to the problem is easy. Eagles are a protected species except when they are killed by a wind turbine. It is politically acceptable to kill an eagle if you are producing electricity. Just put up a couple of wind turbines on the property and you will be picking up eagle viscera instead of chicken.
zamoose 8 years, 2 months ago
I think you'd have to have a heart of stone not to giggle at this just a little bit.
Nickolas 8 years, 2 months ago
I always wondered about farms like these. We have free range chickens. One night at dinner my wife and five year old son watched an osprey swoop down and snap the neck of our favorite chicken. Sad but thats nature.