

Interesting responses from incarcerated burglars. Apparently having a TV on or a car in the driveway is a good deterrent in lieu of an actual alarm.


  • ahnyerkeester

    ahnyerkeester 8 years, 4 months ago

    “NRA sticker on car bumper = Lots of guns to steal,” wrote one burglar.

    Wow, there's an eye opener.


    • daemon

      daemon 8 years, 4 months ago

      Bingo. The only ones who should know about weapons in a house are the owners. People advertise their lives way too much on their vehicles, on social media and with their large mouths.


      • BenW

        BenW 8 years, 4 months ago

        Years ago, I would never put the NRA stickers on my truck because I was afraid of vandalism in the hippie college town where I lived (quite common, especially for people who had "the "wrong" (i.e., Republican) candidate's sticker on their bumper).

        Nowadays I lay low and try not to advertise much of anything about myself, either to society in general or to the government. To take a lesson from "Firefly":

        Jayne: "What?! I got pinched!"
        Mal: "Which is what happens when you call the feds".
