Far from “uneducated”
Posted by daemon from lifeonthissideofthefence.wordpress.com
Nickolas, mjskis, Chet_Manly and 3 others like this
If you watched any of the recent presidential election results, you may have noticed a recurring theme. As traditionally blue states turned red, a common phrase heard among reporters was that the “uneducated rural community” had made a larger turnout than what was expected. As a member of the rural community, which is quite educated might I add, I saw a few things wrong with this statement.
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Chet_Manly 8 years, 4 months ago
I don't have cable and can't watch live coverages (thankfully, kind of) but I'm amazed/shocked the phrase "uneducated rural community" was actually spoken! Amazing hubris!
skilletboy 8 years, 4 months ago