

Pretty cool alternative to a gun safe.


  • daemon

    daemon 8 years, 5 months ago

    I am going to say a big no to this device and those like it.

    Great creativity and execution of the product, but if it is standing in the way of the personal protection of myself or my family, it has to go. The only safety my weapon needs exists on my hand. All other weapons not prepared to be used in event of an emergency are in the safe.

    *note no children present in household or strangers in the house at any time


    • Nickolas

      Nickolas 8 years, 5 months ago

      Agreed. My multiple safes are just fine. Also I really am tired of these "coming soon" or "waiting for funding" projects. Remember the COIN card? Has that ever happened?


    • Bradleyd16

      Bradleyd16 8 years, 5 months ago

      I've got kids in the house, so some form of a safe is a must. But I completely hear what you're saying. If it were just me and my wife it would be different.


      • Bradleyd16

        Bradleyd16 8 years, 5 months ago

        I'm pretty sure it actually did. At least last I checked they had sold a large number and are actually out of stock.

        Not sure who does actually put money into startup projects though. Bit risky not being assured of the product you are going to get, or if you will even get it. Although I think this is a pretty neat idea, i definitely plan on seeing if it actually pans out and works as advertised.


      • daemon

        daemon 8 years, 4 months ago

        I completely understand the safe for peace of mind around your children. I would be the same if I had children or ever had them visit.

        In contrast, myself and my siblings, as well as many other friends, grew up in homes with loaded weapons not in safes and without locks. We did not touch them without a parent's specific permission and supervision and knew they were strictly off limits except in cases of dire emergency. This was non-negotiable. I don't feel that my parents were negligent or unsafe in their choices. The thorough education in firearm safety they gave us as well as one on one firearm instruction taught us a healthy respect and eliminated our natural curiosity. The world we live in certainly has changed.


  • barefootgreg

    barefootgreg 8 years, 4 months ago

    I kind of like the idea, but.... I keep my protection arms are in a GunVault MiniVault next to my bed. All the others are locked up in the big safe. So, no thanks.
