geoffrey.huff, glen, Razorback and 2 others like this
I'm guilty of pressing the close door button on elevators many times. I wonder how many times it didn't do a damn thing.
geoffrey.huff, glen, Razorback and 2 others like this
I'm guilty of pressing the close door button on elevators many times. I wonder how many times it didn't do a damn thing.
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ahnyerkeester 8 years, 4 months ago
It makes me snicker when people repeatedly push the crosswalk button. All it does most of the time is tell it to turn on the White Man to cross when the light changes. It doesn't make the light change. And it doesn't count how many times it gets pushed. Once it is pushed, the White Man light is added to the cycle.
But, hey, if mashing it over and over makes you feel good, go for it.
Oh, and I have LONG suspected the office thermostats.
barefootgreg 8 years, 4 months ago
Well, the one outside my office does change the traffic pattern to allow for more time to cross. However, It may be the only one in town that actually does something.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 4 months ago
Ha! I never once considered that anyone would press the cross walk button to change the light faster or that the machine might be counting. You've significantly increased the enjoyment of any future people watching I may do wher crosswalks will be involved.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 4 months ago
And regarding your office thermostat, I have no knowledge. However I think we all know what happens with the home thermostat:
Razorback 8 years, 4 months ago">