Back when I worked at Apple selling to large corporations in 2002, I had a customer that was a large publishing house. The were running a Macintosh Performa that was 10 years old supporting a key printing press that ran 24 hours a day. I asked "What is your plan when it finally craps out?" They answered "We have not figured that out yet, that is why we called you." O.o
Other times I would run into other large customers that even had Mac Classic running as print servers that they would keep up for $hits and giggles. They just refused to die.
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skilletboy 8 years, 5 months ago
Is Mutiny running on it? ;)
sam_acw 8 years, 5 months ago
If it works, why not? So many P.O.S. systems are still running on something like Win 3.1 with dot matrix printers.
Razorback 8 years, 5 months ago
10 load
20 comment: "This was the first computer I ever learned to use."
30 run
40 end
CharlesWGriswold 8 years, 5 months ago
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Nickolas 8 years, 5 months ago
Back when I worked at Apple selling to large corporations in 2002, I had a customer that was a large publishing house. The were running a Macintosh Performa that was 10 years old supporting a key printing press that ran 24 hours a day. I asked "What is your plan when it finally craps out?" They answered "We have not figured that out yet, that is why we called you." O.o
Other times I would run into other large customers that even had Mac Classic running as print servers that they would keep up for $hits and giggles. They just refused to die.