trigjoh, BenEspen, elancaster65 and 5 others like this
"An endless bombardment of news and gossip and images has rendered us manic information addicts. It broke me. It might break you, too."
I find myself reaching for my phone in nearly almost every dead moment of my day. Why? I have no idea.
Added in Wisdom, Interesting
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BenEspen 8 years, 5 months ago
Unfortunately for Sullivan, it might be that the use and abuse of prescription testosterone might have broken him. For example, this NYTimes article from 15 years ago.">
glen 8 years, 5 months ago
New title: "I used to be human... now I'm SUPERHUMAN!"
Razorback 8 years, 5 months ago
I try to be very mindful about not getting too much digital time. I limit how often I look at my phone (although it is probably still too much). We cancelled cable at the house so we rarely watch TV. Also cut the newspaper back to Sundays only and even then, I rarely read more than a few sections.
No if i could just break that Gentlemint habit...
glen 8 years, 5 months ago