

Added in Cool Stuff


  • jordan
    • KPS

      KPS 8 years, 4 months ago

      Good point. I've been wanting to get into that. Do you do it?


      • jordan

        jordan 8 years, 4 months ago

        Yep, just started last month. It's good. Taught me a lot so far about how generally oblivious I am to my surroundings. Lots of stuff hiding in plain sight. My next goal is placing a geocache somewhere.


        • KPS

          KPS 8 years, 4 months ago

          Haha, I think a lot of us are oblivious to our surroundings. Did you use a compass much or just a GPS?


          • jordan

            jordan 8 years, 4 months ago

            So far, I've used the geocaching app on my phone which uses both GPS and has a compass/directional alignment feature that reminds me of orienteering. However, the trick of geocaching (besides the ~30ft accuracy problem of phone GPS) is that people really hide them or they get moved. Plenty of wandering around feeling like a ninny until you finally find it (most of the time).
