elancaster65 likes this
I was wondering one day when did people stop wearing hats??
I used google image search to find out if I could isolate the decade.
I think it worked really well.
elancaster65 likes this
I was wondering one day when did people stop wearing hats??
I used google image search to find out if I could isolate the decade.
I think it worked really well.
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sam_acw 13 years ago
I've read it started with JFK not wearing one to his inauguration. I guess it's a bit like Clark Gable being blamed for killing off undershirts!
efroehlke 12 years, 12 months ago
I've always worn a hat with a suit, just feels like the right thing to do for me. I feel like the hat is making a bit of a resurgence now as well...many good hat makers can be found online.
LegenGary 12 years, 12 months ago
this is good info, men. thanks.