White tail deer does a flying act
Posted by brian from www.youtube.com
This is kind of gruesome (not in a blood and guts sort of way), so just fair warning if that freaks you out, don't watch this.
Razorback, elancaster65, BenEspen likes this
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Razorback 8 years, 5 months ago
This is more common than most people think. Deer (and other large animals) are often thrown in the air when hit. Sometimes the cars traveling nearby (like this one) are more at risk. I worked with a guy that had this happen to him and it was horrifying. Another car hit the deer, it went airborne and came down on the passenger side of his pickup. The busted windshield combined with the vehicle's forward momentum sliced the deer in half. The back half went over the hood of the truck and landed in the bed. The front half went through the windshield and landed on his girlfriend's lap. I will spare you the other details.
brian 8 years, 5 months ago
Wow. That is awful.