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brian, Nickolas, rsktkr and 4 others like this


  • brian

    brian 8 years, 7 months ago

    "look at the time...oh! Let's bring this puppy home"

    After getting heartburn over the proliferation of Ted talks I'm constantly inundated with, this is a welcome send up. great find.


  • rsktkr

    rsktkr 8 years, 7 months ago

    Humble head nod.....hysterical.

    This reminds me of a Ted Talk that was promoted as the "brilliant" way the presenter helped his brother lose weight. The end of the 15 minute build-up revealed his brilliant advice....he told his brother to eat less food.

    You think I'm kidding but I'm not, that was it. Eat less...who knew?

    If nobody on the planet is thinking at all then yes, these people are indeed thought leaders.


  • glen

    glen 8 years, 7 months ago

    I can't stomach most TED talks. Except this one by Mike Rowe where he takes a subtle jab at the audience.
