Might be interesting later on, but I think the main point is that churches might be feminine, but Christianity only can be if you ignore things like the Gospel and turn it into progressive churchianism.
I read it and I've heard the statistics years ago. I'm not sure if Christianity as practiced today in the West is inherently feminine or if masculinity as currently expressed in the West is dorked up. I think Third Wave Feminism has screwed up our view of a lot of things, including men. Before Feminism we had some wonky views of masculinity, Second Wave focused on the liberation of women, Third Wave has focused on women as victims and men as complete bastards.
All that to say, I'm not sure. Have to view it objectively from inside this particular fishbowl.
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elancaster65 8 years, 7 months ago
Following this series over at AoM.
OperationBrandon 8 years, 7 months ago
Fuck the AoM posts real bullshit sometimes.
sam_acw 8 years, 7 months ago
Might be interesting later on, but I think the main point is that churches might be feminine, but Christianity only can be if you ignore things like the Gospel and turn it into progressive churchianism.
ahnyerkeester 8 years, 7 months ago
I read it and I've heard the statistics years ago. I'm not sure if Christianity as practiced today in the West is inherently feminine or if masculinity as currently expressed in the West is dorked up. I think Third Wave Feminism has screwed up our view of a lot of things, including men. Before Feminism we had some wonky views of masculinity, Second Wave focused on the liberation of women, Third Wave has focused on women as victims and men as complete bastards.
All that to say, I'm not sure. Have to view it objectively from inside this particular fishbowl.