I want one.
Chet_Manly, ahnyerkeester, Razorback and 5 others like this
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Source: youtu.be via zamoose on Gentlemint
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Most excellent!
Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here.
Watching the "bullets" leave the gun, I was sure it was CGI'd. The more I watched though, the more it became clear that this is an actual thing. Yowza.
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Chet_Manly 8 years, 9 months ago
Most excellent!
ahnyerkeester 8 years, 9 months ago
Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here.
glen 8 years, 9 months ago
Watching the "bullets" leave the gun, I was sure it was CGI'd. The more I watched though, the more it became clear that this is an actual thing. Yowza.