Nor am I an economic whiz, but I'd like to point out that eventually when this financial "bomb" does go off, it was not a creation of free markets or capitalism; this is central planning all the way.
However, from observing the last 8-9 years, I've got $100 in my wallet that says politicians will blame the whole fiasco and hardship on capitalism and push for even more political meddling and centralized control. God forbid the free market allows winners to win and losers to lose.
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BenEspen 8 years, 9 months ago
That is interesting. I know just enough economics to know that I don't know much.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 9 months ago
Nor am I an economic whiz, but I'd like to point out that eventually when this financial "bomb" does go off, it was not a creation of free markets or capitalism; this is central planning all the way.
However, from observing the last 8-9 years, I've got $100 in my wallet that says politicians will blame the whole fiasco and hardship on capitalism and push for even more political meddling and centralized control. God forbid the free market allows winners to win and losers to lose.