


  • Nickolas

    Nickolas 8 years, 9 months ago

    Are you going to actually contribute to the site or just SPAM it with your own blog crap? How about you pay for some ad space instead driving traffic to your own?


  • chadking 8 years, 9 months ago

    Sorry, I'll refrain from posting here.


    • Razorback

      Razorback 8 years, 9 months ago

      @chadking - When you only post items from a particular site, the Gentlemint community often views that as promotional spam. If you are promoting StashVault, you might try posting other articles of interest from multiple sources and limiting the StashVault posts to one, maybe two every ten. Just make it a little less promotional. And, as Nickolas pointed out, you might also look into ad space. Brain and Glen carry this site on their shoulders (and wallets) so i am sure they would be happy to work with you on some ads. Just food for thought.
