daemon, Cobrapilot, elancaster65 and 2 others like this
Interesting behind the scenes commentary from Peter Jackson regarding why directing a movie without any preparation is never a good idea.
daemon, Cobrapilot, elancaster65 and 2 others like this
Interesting behind the scenes commentary from Peter Jackson regarding why directing a movie without any preparation is never a good idea.
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daemon 8 years, 9 months ago
I never knew there were any Hobbit movie problems. I think that is a testament to his 'on the fly' brilliance as well as a commentary on my suspension of disbelief during these films.
brian 8 years, 9 months ago
Watching that you had to feel for the guy. I can't imagine how much pressure he was under to deliver something great under dire circumstances.
Chet_Manly 8 years, 9 months ago
Yes, I did feel that an apology and explanation was in order for those horrible movies. This helps me understand the problems Jackson faced, and I appreciate that.