Ross often portrayed the arrogance of the intellectual, that's why it was so satisfying when Phoebe won the arguments between the two. Personally, I didn't like Ross because he could be such a colossal whiner.
I partly agree with the author's solution about reading a book, but when the advice "read a book" is given what is often left out is a list of the books you should read. One can read crap fiction and not go anywhere. I'm linking a list that I have found helpful:">’re-going-have-educate-yourself
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Chet_Manly 8 years, 12 months ago
Ross often portrayed the arrogance of the intellectual, that's why it was so satisfying when Phoebe won the arguments between the two.
Personally, I didn't like Ross because he could be such a colossal whiner.
I partly agree with the author's solution about reading a book, but when the advice "read a book" is given what is often left out is a list of the books you should read. One can read crap fiction and not go anywhere. I'm linking a list that I have found helpful:">’re-going-have-educate-yourself
Springer781 8 years, 12 months ago
Guys, it's going to be ok. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is going to fix everything.
sam_acw 8 years, 11 months ago
It's also worth remembering that Ross was one of the first mainstream male characters with very feminine mannerisms and personality traits.