


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 8 years, 9 months ago

    It's interesting. I wonder how fast they are scrambling to create/install some sort of PC filter. I am also curious if the worst thing that could happen over time is for an AI program to not be politically correct.
    I am simultaneously curious, amused and disgusted.


  • ben.terry

    ben.terry 8 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, I feel like its a child that has been raised on the internet. We are all a product of our experiences, I think rather than a PC filters, it needs to have more/ better experiences. Or given some sort of metric to weight what it is exposed to


    • Chet_Manly

      Chet_Manly 8 years, 9 months ago

      Good point and I appreciate your comment because it made me rethink the way I stated mine.
      From your comment my concern then is: who sets the narrative for the AI program of what is acceptable and what isn't. In the case of a program for interaction alone and without power, it wouldn't matter terribly. If down the road, the AI capabilities improve and gain influence on society, then he who sets the parameters would be highly important. Just a restatement of the idea the he who writes the definition holds it's power.

      You have also the given me a chance to recalibrate my original comment about a PC filter. I instead should have wondered if the worst thing would be for AI to be more concerned with the unbiased truth in the world around it at the expense of PC. But this assumes we give weight to the AI as a more perfect and unerring mind; the opposite of this situation.
