Nickolas, LSUTigersFan, elancaster65 and 1 other like this
Robin Olds is a dude and a bad ass and deserves more recognition.
Nickolas, LSUTigersFan, elancaster65 and 1 other like this
Robin Olds is a dude and a bad ass and deserves more recognition.
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Nickolas 8 years, 10 months ago
Wow! Thank you for posting. Never have contributed to a Kickstarted fund but this was my first that I thought was worth while. I have read many Robin Olds stories in the past over and over. I am surprised that Hollywood has never done a movie on him. He is an amazing individual.
LSUTigersFan 8 years, 10 months ago
True American hero in every sense of the word
Nickolas 8 years, 10 months ago
Received some bad news about this Kickstarter project. Seems to be removed. Here is the email I received:
To all Robin Olds documentary supporters,
Thank you so much for your pledges toward the creation of the 'Robin Olds; Rest of the Story' 60-minute documentary. As we are now more than halfway toward the campaign end-date of April 5th, yet less than 25% funded, it has become important to me to assess the potential success of the project at this date. I have learned one valuable, heretofore unknown, lesson from the initial assumption that I could easily reach 3,000+ active duty USAF pilots around the world by sending emails to several USAF contacts. I was wrong in that assumption and was quickly informed that military pilots are prohibited from sending out fund-raising announcements or links through their military email networks. I believe it is part of the same legality that prohibits me from selling any of my books after I've made a speech at bases.
Since Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing endeavor, I've had to make an honest assessment of my ability at this point to reach the number of supporters needed to successfully fund the entirety of the $167,000 goal. The decision I've reached is to withdraw the campaign and cancel the project's continuation on Kickstarter, effective immediately.
Canceling the Kickstarter project means that will immediately void all of your pledges.
However, it doesn't mean the documentary won't get made. We just have to regroup, reboot and come at the fund-raising effort through a different platform.
To that end, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for your interest and support up to this point. If you would like to stay in contact for future updates on a re-booted campaign, please send me an email to and I will put you on my update list. Also, the rewards I offered through Kickstarter will still be available privately; the prints, books, Mustang rides et al can be arranged. If you are still interested in pursuing the receipt of any of these items, please send me an email at I will be happy to arrange the transaction and shipment.
Again, thank you for your patience, support, good faith and understanding as I undertake this challenging decision. My interest and intention remains 100% committed to honoring and furthering my father's legacy with the greatest dignity possible.
Very truly yours,
Christina Olds