This seems to imply that political correctness (and the need to shut down speech that isn't politically correct) is the first rung on the ladder of intolerance than can lead to extermination. Shutting down a discussion to only political correct speech is a form of intolerance. I wonder if that is an association that was intended by the SPLC.
Agreed. The steps are valid to a point but whatever happened to debate, rhetoric, and differing viewpoints that lead to a agree to disagree position. PC will be the end of us... Until the PC hunt their own.
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Chet_Manly 9 years ago
This seems to imply that political correctness (and the need to shut down speech that isn't politically correct) is the first rung on the ladder of intolerance than can lead to extermination. Shutting down a discussion to only political correct speech is a form of intolerance. I wonder if that is an association that was intended by the SPLC.
Nickolas 9 years ago
Well said.
COMike 9 years ago
Agreed. The steps are valid to a point but whatever happened to debate, rhetoric, and differing viewpoints that lead to a agree to disagree position. PC will be the end of us... Until the PC hunt their own.