

While candidates and their surrogates hit the pavement hard telling us to vote for THEM, comedian, podcaster and author Adam Carolla is telling voters who NOT to vote for this election cycle.

Whatever your previous impressions are of Carolla, if you’re an American conservative, I think you’ll find his message refreshing amidst the increasing din of wannabe leaders promising free stuff and “fixes” to every imaginable whine from our electorate. Carolla argues, among other things, “Fixing Your Screwed-Up Life Is Not the Government’s Job.”

That being said, I still don't see a candidate I can vote for in good conscience.

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1 comment

  • skilletboy

    skilletboy 8 years, 11 months ago

    So then I'll be the one to say it, don't vote for a democrat then. They worship the God of government.

    I'm not saying there aren't conservative statists either, but it's beyond a doubt who he's talking about.

    The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. -Thomas Jefferson
