I wonder why the guitar was on loan in the first place? I can understand the desire for "period correctness" to the point of authenticity, but at some point, you would think common sense would prevail.
Considering that the guitar was slated for destruction and there were several replicas on hand for substitution, this was either a horrible miscommunication on the set, or a coldly calculated move on the director's part to elicit a true reaction from the set and audience while generating a legendary story.
Knowing Tarantino, it was probably intentional and for some reason, that seems right. It hurts because it was real. Nothing else would do.
"It hurts because it was real. Nothing else would do." Let us hope he doesn't apply this approach too often; say with the gimp sequence in Pulp Fiction...or innumerable other scenes that come to mind.
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barefootgreg 9 years, 1 month ago
It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that Tarantino orchestrated this just to capture the genuine reaction from Leigh.
glen 9 years, 1 month ago
I was thinking the same thing reading the article, but man... that would be pretty heartless.
barefootgreg 9 years, 1 month ago
yeah, but....
banjoben 9 years, 1 month ago
I've never cared for Tarantino's films anyway, but this makes me hate this film without even seeing it.
daemon 9 years, 1 month ago
I wonder why the guitar was on loan in the first place? I can understand the desire for "period correctness" to the point of authenticity, but at some point, you would think common sense would prevail.
Considering that the guitar was slated for destruction and there were several replicas on hand for substitution, this was either a horrible miscommunication on the set, or a coldly calculated move on the director's part to elicit a true reaction from the set and audience while generating a legendary story.
Knowing Tarantino, it was probably intentional and for some reason, that seems right. It hurts because it was real. Nothing else would do.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 1 month ago
"It hurts because it was real. Nothing else would do." Let us hope he doesn't apply this approach too often; say with the gimp sequence in Pulp Fiction...or innumerable other scenes that come to mind.
daemon 9 years, 1 month ago
Razorback 9 years, 1 month ago
glen 9 years, 1 month ago
Oh man, this made me laugh hard. I felt guilty doing it, too.