A-10 to continue flying, defense secretary says
Posted by daemon from www.cnn.com
irminsul, ahnyerkeester, Chet_Manly and 10 others like this
The Warthog will continue to fly.
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter this week confirmed what had been rumored for months: The Air Force's ground attack jet, the inelegant but well-armed and well-armored A-10 Thunderbolt, nicknamed the "Warthog," will not face retirement until at least six years.
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ahnyerkeester 9 years ago
This is the airframe what wouldn't die. It won't die in combat and even the Air Force can't seem to kill it though they've been trying since before Desert Storm. I *still* love this ugly plane.
Nickolas 9 years ago
+1 A truly great plane. You think about how much technology and dollars that it takes to keep the B-2, F-18, F-35 etc in the air. How much abuse hast the A-10 taken in combat that none of the above would have come back with and how many lives it has saved.
ahnyerkeester 9 years ago
Preach it brother. I worked avionics on Hogs in England and Korea. A very simple avionics suite that was easy to maintain. Under today's 2-level maintenance the logistic footprint of the A-10 has to be pretty small too. That ugly bugger still has a special place in my heart.
LP 9 years ago
I'm glad to see this plane continue its legacy. It's truly a marvel.