I would like to think it is also because people have finally learned that steak should not be cooked past medium (preferably medium rare). Anything beyond that requires sauce to cover up the huge mistake made by overcooking a perfectly good piece of meat.
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Razorback 9 years ago
I would like to think it is also because people have finally learned that steak should not be cooked past medium (preferably medium rare). Anything beyond that requires sauce to cover up the huge mistake made by overcooking a perfectly good piece of meat.
ZombieCatBacon 9 years ago
I agree. And it's better with scrambled eggs anyway.
Razorback 9 years ago
A1 and scrambled eggs? I have never heard of that but I definitely want to try it now. If only I could find some A1. ;-)
ZombieCatBacon 9 years ago
If you can find it, try HP Sauce too. That's the one I grew up with (though that was in Canada; I've since been able to find it here in Wisconsin)