

This article was entertaining. I would love to see what the folks here have to say.


  • glen

    glen 9 years, 2 months ago

    "Millennials and others who don’t want to adult aren’t being immature. They just don’t like the mainstream society’s definition of 'adult.' And sooner or later, they’re going to change it."

    That seems like a bit of a reach, IMHO.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 9 years, 2 months ago

    "They’re imagining a world where providing for yourself and your family doesn’t cost your soul."

    It doesn't cost that now. Quit making excuses and go do it.


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 9 years, 2 months ago

    Interesting read, yes. When faced with this type of analysis and not really being sure of what to make of an entire generation (I tend to see people individually anyway, so these sweeping generalization type articles, I take with a grain of salt), I tend to try and reflect on some universal truths and then filter.

    The Millennialis are different and a little annoying with things like demands for "safe spaces" and the term "hate facts" or Occupy protesters rocking the Apple products. But we all have our inconsistencies.

    Universal truths (from the world of Chet Manly) that emerged after reading:
    In the past, hard work guided by intelligence has always been a proven pathway for success, why would that change with a new generation? I don't see society changing so much that this can no longer apply. If it does we have much worse problems.
    My response to "adulting" as a verb, would be to use "Mike Roweing" as a verb.
