iamhogan, meadows055 likes this
I do love a good montage, although the merits of the content are debatable.
This montage boils it down to who this executive action is really all about in the first place.
iamhogan, meadows055 likes this
I do love a good montage, although the merits of the content are debatable.
This montage boils it down to who this executive action is really all about in the first place.
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NorthWind 9 years, 1 month ago
Do they still hang people for treason?
LSUTigersFan 9 years, 1 month ago
Nothing to say about him or his speech that will not get me audited by the IRS.
sam_acw 9 years, 1 month ago
When he was crying in the press conference it showed why the US is no longer such a power. Putin would never have invaded Ukraine with a president like Reagan or even GW Bush.
Obama projects weakness.
twii 9 years, 1 month ago
He has done more to destroy the foundation and fabric of this country than any other occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave that holds his current office. My mind won't even acknowledge him as president.