BrotherHowie, BenEspen likes this
I disagree with many things in this article. However, I do believe in security psychosis, but mostly as a public relations tool used by the government to convince the general population that it needs said government to protect it. This notion allows wealth for a few to be created via the false fear of the many.
Added in Going to Hell in a Bucket
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elancaster65 9 years ago
The author will be singing Kum-By-Ya when the ChiComs cross the Pacific and invade through South America...or Radical Islam waltzes in across either border. What a maroon...
Razorback 9 years ago
I agree. And radical Islam is already here.
BrotherHowie 9 years ago
Read the book "Shock Doctrine" and you'll see this has been going on here in the US for decades.