daemon, Razorback, ZombieCatBacon and 8 others like this
An interesting perspective for those that were adults in the 70s or close to it. Not what I remember as a child that my parents went through, but perhaps some similarities.
daemon, Razorback, ZombieCatBacon and 8 others like this
An interesting perspective for those that were adults in the 70s or close to it. Not what I remember as a child that my parents went through, but perhaps some similarities.
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daemon 9 years, 2 months ago
Those people existed. These people exist. We have the pictures for proof.
Great read.
ahnyerkeester 9 years, 2 months ago
We had an aluminum Christmas tree that had a light you pointed at it. The colored cells rotated in front of the light changing the color of the silvery tree. Aerosol cans of spray-on snow went on the tree and on the windows. G. I. Joe and Major Matt Mason were the coolest toys to get.