I'm not sure why you keep posting this. Do you work for Gentemint? Am I not allowed to post? Do you have more info? I'm a really small home business just getting the word out and I porbably can't afford ad dollars.
I believe the only employees of Gentlemint are Brian and Glen. As members we all just enjoy contributing quality content.
Right now you fall into the category of a moocher. You only post your Etsy and pinterest stuff out of your own selfishness to pitch your wares. You don't contribute to the site. Your efforts are only annoying and detrimental to your own efforts to sell your stuff. People tend to ignore moochers. Perhaps try to contribute and people might think differently.
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Nickolas 9 years, 4 months ago
You just posted this. Buy ad space.
linarestribe 9 years, 4 months ago
I'm not sure why you keep posting this. Do you work for Gentemint? Am I not allowed to post? Do you have more info? I'm a really small home business just getting the word out and I porbably can't afford ad dollars.
Nickolas 9 years, 4 months ago
I believe the only employees of Gentlemint are Brian and Glen. As members we all just enjoy contributing quality content.
Right now you fall into the category of a moocher. You only post your Etsy and pinterest stuff out of your own selfishness to pitch your wares. You don't contribute to the site. Your efforts are only annoying and detrimental to your own efforts to sell your stuff. People tend to ignore moochers. Perhaps try to contribute and people might think differently.
linarestribe 9 years, 4 months ago
I'm not sure if you've looked at my other posts but I do post other content not related to my bracelets. Any way cheers and good night.
Nickolas 9 years, 4 months ago
Yes I did. Still a moocher.
Nickolas 9 years, 4 months ago
Buy some ad space.
linarestribe 9 years, 4 months ago
Good luck on your holy crusade.