


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 9 years, 5 months ago

    VERY similar to the Friday Pizza Night my son and I make. In fact, the dough recipe is almost exactly the one we use from the Mr. Breadman manual (1 teaspoon of sugar is the only difference; I add two.). We are a little plain; pepperoni and onion are our topping choices. Make your pizza's! It's fun! Pizza and Jurassic World this Friday!


    • Razorback

      Razorback 9 years, 5 months ago

      I need to attempt making my own dough again. The last few times did not work well for me and it was incredibly messy. We typically go buy a cheap pizza from Walmart, add our own toppings and pop it in the oven. But my new outdoor kitchen will be finished soon and I would like to learn how to cook them on my Primos XL ceramic smoker.


      • JakeLonergan

        JakeLonergan 9 years, 5 months ago

        Oh, man! That sounds so FUN! The investment in something like a Mr. Breadman could give you much additional variety of recipes/sides out there.

        I actually thought it was a joke when my wife loaded it into the Uhaul but even I can't screw it up. :-O I only made the addition of the little extra sugar because one of our favorite pizza places in SoCal (Numero Uno) has kind of a hint-of-sweet crust we like. Can't get the puffy, oily effect of their crust, though.
