I own guns. Here's why I'm keeping them. - Vox
Posted by zamoose from www.vox.com
Chet_Manly, Razorback, kmill and 5 others like this
Vox, but, still.
Added in Guns
Chet_Manly, Razorback, kmill and 5 others like this
Vox, but, still.
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Cobrapilot 9 years, 2 months ago
The only thing I would ask him is whether the people in (that) a church SHOULD be allowed to carry a firearm.
daemon 9 years, 2 months ago
A rather reasonable article. One quote that gave me pause was this:
"I've never brandished my gun in self-defense. Thankfully, I've never had to. Nobody should point a firearm at another person unless he is truly willing to kill that person, and I've been fortunate enough to never be in quite that much danger."
I was taught and believe that a gun should never be shown or brandished as a deterrent accompanied by words. The weapon is drawn because it is being used. The reason you have aimed at someone is because you are then immediately pulling the trigger. The reason that other person can now see it, is because they are being shot for the choices they have made against my person or those whom I love or those under my protection.