

I drink tea.


  • pduffie

    pduffie 9 years, 3 months ago

    So now the Huffington Post is going after coffee drinkers? anything for a story i guess


    • Titanheart

      Titanheart 9 years, 3 months ago

      My thoughts exactly. At this point I don't think I could take that website seriously no matter what the "story" they were trying to tell. I'ld bet you dollars to donuts that the actual study says that psychopaths are more likely to order black coffee not the other way around as huffpo tries to assert. Author's panties probably got bunched up because somebody gave them a hard time about how much sugar they dump in their latte. "Oh no! I'm being triggered! Here I will pen an article that passive aggressively makes me seem cooler!"

      As a note I take cream and brown sugar in my coffee most days if anyone would like to tell me how that makes me horrible by association.


    • glen

      glen 9 years, 3 months ago

      Yeah, it's anything for a click.
