Gentleman, Max_Power, travisapeterson likes this
This bad boy has made clean up on jobs a ton easier
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Source: via Max_Power on Gentlemint
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Need a version of this that attracts Lego.
Pro tip: Do not use this to pick up dropped cell phones.
Would love to have one of these (on occasion), but I don't want to store it. Is there a foldable edition?
It comes apart pretty easily without any tools, so storage has never really been an issue for me
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dokon 13 years ago
Need a version of this that attracts Lego.
Gentleman 13 years ago
Pro tip: Do not use this to pick up dropped cell phones.
travisapeterson 13 years ago
Would love to have one of these (on occasion), but I don't want to store it. Is there a foldable edition?
Max_Power 13 years ago
It comes apart pretty easily without any tools, so storage has never really been an issue for me