How to Gentlemint
Rule # 1 - Browse the site regularly ... it's awesome!
Rule # 2 - Do not tack anything you saw while browsing, no matter how much you like that shaving company video or picture of Darth Vader on a unicycle. Save to Your Mint, ftw! (props to Matt)
Rule # 3 - When tacking, be aware that anything fresh off your Mashable, Lifehacker, Androinica, Make, Boing Boing, GeekDad, Wired, or Engadget feeds is likely already tacked. Check first, or risk looking unmanly by violating Rule #2.
Rule # 4 - Please diversify yours tacks. The 80's were awesome, but not "15 tacks on one page" awesome.
Rule #5 - Tack the source code, gentlemen. We don't want to have to Google that awesome picture of a rimless motorcycle. (props to Craig)
Rule # 6 - Accountability, gentlemen. It's not just for accountants. Please don't tack-spam links to your Pinterest site or eBay store. Sell us. Schmooze us. As gentlemen, we'll open our wallets when the time is right, or never at all. (props to Keith)
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marcus13 13 years ago
I always run a quick search to make sure I'm not repeating anything (or at least anything too recent.)
Love the direction Gentlemint is taking. Great site, glad to be part of it!
TheBeerTool 13 years ago
Very nice, this sould be the Mint of the month!
The.Minted.Dad 13 years ago
Well said good sir. I feel a few of our fellow gents do realize they can "save to your mint" but instead re-tack to the home page. Perhaps they are new to Gentlemint, or somehow, new to the internet.
DonStugots 13 years ago
hey look a double barrel 9mm! i am surprised no one posted it yet.
cjcs 13 years ago
Another tip: Whenever possible, link to the original source, or try and provide it in the description/comments. Nothing more frustrating than finding something really cool, and then having to reverse-search the image on Google in order to find out where to buy it / find out more.
AmazngSpiderpig 13 years ago
I came so close to re-tacking this just to be a smart-ass but I couldn't bring myself to do it....
RecklessTX 13 years ago
Are there regulations in place to prevent spammers?
zaphodbblx 13 years ago
perhaps instead of expecting people (who are here for fun not work) to do searches before tacking you can have a 15 yer old write a script to do that...really guys.
travisapeterson 13 years ago
Amen - can we stop tacking pics only!? Its like having Christmas ruined when I click through only to find its a single picture with no explanation on how to learn more / buy one.
KeithBabyBaptistThompson 13 years ago
and links to pintrest that's just inappropriate.
glen 13 years ago
First off, you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for your feedback and support as we continue to make Gentlemint better. You guys are a major the reason that Gentlemint has grown like it has. This is a great starter list for "Gentlemint Etiquette", something we've been thinking about making.
A few things: As more and more people start enjoying the site and becoming involved, duplicate posts are becoming an issue. We know it's not intentional on their side, it's just a byproduct of new users.
We're working it, and hope to resolve it quickly.
bill.miranda 13 years ago
What does it mean to "tack the source code"?
mmartschenko 13 years ago
You've got a lot rules to play by... I respect that, gentlemen. But what's with rule #2? What else would I be tacking if not while browsing? What else do you do in the internet?
nicksails 13 years ago
@Maren: The idea of #2 is if you're seeing something here on Gentlemint, it's already here. Don't go and create an entirely new entry for it. That's how we wind up with a 1000 double barrel pistols, and are solely responsible for Dollar Shave Club's Youtube views. If you like what you saw here, underneath the "like" moustache, you can "save to your mint."
marcus13 13 years ago
One problem with using original sources every time is that some sites just don't allow you to snag a good image. Like this morning I wanted to tack something about Aloft hotels, which are great. But their site only lets you grab microscopic pics. So the choice becomes, do I tack a crappy pic, or do I not link to the original source, just an image somewhere else. (I chose to just delete the tack this time.)
mmartschenko 13 years ago
@Nick I see. Now I get it. It's what I do anyway.
Tommym1 12 years, 10 months ago
I feel foolish. I do not see how to tack things. Help me regain my man card.
greg.swart 12 years, 10 months ago
Tacking is accomplished via the almighty Mustache Button. Happy Minting!