In 5 minutes you can learn how to speak authentic Boston. By the way its a large sun fish. Not a baby whale. Nor a turtle. Nor a sea monstah. Nor a floundah.
Added in culture
In 5 minutes you can learn how to speak authentic Boston. By the way its a large sun fish. Not a baby whale. Nor a turtle. Nor a sea monstah. Nor a floundah.
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daemon 9 years, 6 months ago
"These videos, from Bergin’s Facebook page, contain approximately 900,000 curses, and are most definitely not safe for work."
I am dying laughing. It is hard to believe that people like this truly exist in this world, but isn't he having a grand !@#$ adventure?
The whole time I just imagined Joe Pesci in a really bad toupee' screaming and dancing around on that fishing boat trying to figure out how he was going to stab the monstah to death with a fountain pen.
Cobrapilot 9 years, 6 months ago
Jay and Not-so-silent Bob.