Spot on! Having been a school teacher, I have noticed a gradual devolution in the drive for attention. I have often wondered why todays youth view negative attention as equally, yea many times, more desirable than positive attention. Also, to add to the media/social media paradigm, it seems to me that the msm and social media are so quick to spastically vomit out talking points relative to curent events and tragedies without fact checking. Here's a novel idea, lets let the detectives and those who are privy to information disclose those need to know facs in the proper time, before another "hands up, don't shoot" debacle embers for days before the truth is revealed. Great post! Needs to be read by all! Thanks for sharing!
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bean 9 years, 7 months ago
Spot on! Having been a school teacher, I have noticed a gradual devolution in the drive for attention. I have often wondered why todays youth view negative attention as equally, yea many times, more desirable than positive attention. Also, to add to the media/social media paradigm, it seems to me that the msm and social media are so quick to spastically vomit out talking points relative to curent events and tragedies without fact checking. Here's a novel idea, lets let the detectives and those who are privy to information disclose those need to know facs in the proper time, before another "hands up, don't shoot" debacle embers for days before the truth is revealed. Great post! Needs to be read by all! Thanks for sharing!