ZombieCatBacon, ahnyerkeester, Razorback and 2 others like this
If you were a baby of the 80's pour a big bowl of cereal and re-live your childhood Saturday mornings.
ZombieCatBacon, ahnyerkeester, Razorback and 2 others like this
If you were a baby of the 80's pour a big bowl of cereal and re-live your childhood Saturday mornings.
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ahnyerkeester 9 years, 8 months ago
I agreed with 6 of them. Wasn't Animaniacs on Saturday mornings? I can't remember. Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Hour should have been in there separate from Looney Tunes. Glad The Jetsons made the list but Johnny Quest should have been in there too.
glen 9 years, 8 months ago
Old School Looney Tunes has held up incredibly well over the years. I laughed at it as a kid with my father (who laughed at it when he was a kid), and my kids laugh watching it today. (With me laughing with them, of course.)
ahnyerkeester 9 years, 8 months ago
Oh, totally. My dad used to stand in the doorway and watch Bugs Bunny Road Runner with me and laugh as hard as I did. I look at some of the new cartoons and think how brainless they are.
glen 9 years, 8 months ago
All about the cheap laugh. Bugs & Co. was refined humor.