Nooooooooo! Just say 'No!' Don't ruin the reputation of a great movie. In reality 'Days of Thunder' was Top Gun 2. The same plot and ideas just with NASCAR. Also, Tom ruined Jack Reacher. As a Lee Child fan, I am completely baffled why they chose TC for that role. They should just scrap him and use a new actor for Jack.
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Nickolas 9 years, 7 months ago
Nooooooooo! Just say 'No!' Don't ruin the reputation of a great movie. In reality 'Days of Thunder' was Top Gun 2. The same plot and ideas just with NASCAR. Also, Tom ruined Jack Reacher. As a Lee Child fan, I am completely baffled why they chose TC for that role. They should just scrap him and use a new actor for Jack.
glen 9 years, 7 months ago
I too think remaking Top Gun is fool's errand.
Razorback 9 years, 7 months ago
Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.