BenEspen, CharlesWGriswold, kmill likes this
Some great, off-the-wall ideas for gun safe storage. Got my creative juices flowing!
Added in Hidden Gun Storage
BenEspen, CharlesWGriswold, kmill likes this
Some great, off-the-wall ideas for gun safe storage. Got my creative juices flowing!
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CharlesWGriswold 9 years, 6 months ago
I like most of this article, right up to the end. Digging a hole, dropping a shipping container in the hole, and then burying it is an incredibly bad idea. Shipping containers were not meant to be used that way.">
gunsafeguru 9 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, that seems ridiculous for sure. Seems like it's a prepper thing but they'd be better off spending all that money to pour a concrete underground bunker.