A Society on Crazy Pills
Posted by JMacIV from jmcclureblogs.wordpress.com
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egro 9 years, 9 months ago
So this article identifies gender identity issues as a mental disorder, and offers another mental disorder as the solution (religious delusion disorder)? Perhaps that is the real hypocrisy.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 9 months ago
So I don't exactly offer a solution except to say that we are possibly "enjoying" the benefits of a highly successful and prosperous society. We are able to create our own reality and avoid true want and suffering. It is possible that this is all part of our societal unraveling as we lose any type of a cohesive social identity and structure. This craziness might be completely unavoidable as our country follows the arc of rise and decline. Just me thinking out loud.
However, you mention crazy, and wanting to cut one's penis off IS crazy in a self mutilation way. It's also crazy having to use the completely made up term "cisgender" instead of being able to call normal "normal". But I thought of this article that had a perspective that isn't mainstream and also makes a little more sense than what I perceive to be the common narrative. Just thought I'd share.
Cobrapilot 9 years, 9 months ago
"...we are possibly "enjoying" the benefits of a highly successful and prosperous society. We are able to create our own reality and avoid true want and suffering."
Chet Manly, I really like your thought here. In conversation with my friends, we have often talked about how America has become the product of its own 'success'.
The blog post loses its efficacy when he devolves into a Christian rant . I don't typically agree with egro, but I will nod to his comment, as I too believe that religion contains a great deal of hypocrisy. However, I do think that Mr. Jenner has a mental disorder. The two things are not connected to my way of thinking. Many mental disorders still allow for a completely functioning member of society, and I wish Mr. Jenner all the happiness in the world.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 9 months ago
Well Sir, it's not often I can say this, but I agree with every thought you've put down. That's exactly how I see things as well. I believe our perspectice is quite main stream but it isn't the narrative that is put forth in most places. I appreciate reading your take on this situation.